Thursday 24 July 2008

Agents ! theives or doing a good job ?

It seems that every where I go, there is someone telling horror stories about Buying abroad, well I live in sunny Spain and sell homes to Northern Europeans, we left one of the large operators because we did not agree with some of the practices we were taught to use. we have become successful in our industry and we are proud of the way we do business, we remain close to many of our clients and count a few of them as firm friends. We have never had to hide from old clients due to mis-leading them , in fact we have been asked to give advise on subsequent purchases they have made. I suppose it is "thin skinned" of us to allow the stories to upset us when we have the tangible friendship of so many people that have Holiday Homes here or have in fact made new lives for them selves in this sunny friendly country. As in any industry there are rogues and Con-men in fact every time I have been "stitched up" over here its been when I have used my fellow country men. So when you read the House Demolished, Garden stolen by Town Hall stories, just give a thought to the thousands of Ex-Pats that are living here, without young people getting Stabbed, without drunks beating up innocent people, without Government interference in every facet of their lives. Some of us selling homes just help clients achieve their dreams, if that's wrong then OK I'm wrong, but when I meet my clients and they have lost the look of stress , their children play outside without fear and enjoy going to school, do you know what? I think that what I'm doing is great, check us out on Talk to us, give us a chance to defend the job we do.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

We have a developer on the Costa Blanca that is giving an incentive of the first years mortgage payments on a 'new' property, we also have some apartments and villas reduced in price.